Jack Jubb (b. United Kingdom) is a painter whose practice explores and connects to the materiality of digital images; the way these images are subject to entropic decay through successive replication, subsequently forming a sedimentary bedrock in colossal server farms in the desert. He often paints from pictures uploaded by strangers onto e-commerce sites, social media, or poorly maintained websites. These include images of car parts from long-expired eBay advertisements that were never intended for longevity but nevertheless may be retained for millennia, like a plastic bag that takes 500 years to degrade. In painting these images, Jack seeks to engage with temporalities that transcend human experience's remit through the banal by-product of late capitalism. Jack completed his BA from Goldsmiths School of Art.
Forthcoming exhibitions in 2021 include shows at The Residence Gallery (London), Franz Kaka (Ontario), and DJ Berlin (Berlin).