JD Malat Gallery
30 Davies Street
United Kingdom

JD Malat Gallery is pleased to present Andy Moses' solo exhibition In Search of the Sublime, curated by Sean Scully, from 9 June – 9 July, 2022. Moses’ work for this exhibition addresses the ‘sublime’ as a metaphysical experience, drawing on the endless and infinite elements that nature reveals. His experimentation and technique uses forces that mimic nature, allowing for unique reactions and patterns to occur on the canvas. The exhibition will coincide with JD Malat Gallery’s 4th Anniversary since opening in June 2018.
In Search of the Sublime will feature a selection of eleven new works, including Moses’ signature concave, circular and hexagonal canvases. Moses' distinctive conceptual work speaks to an abstract imaginary field that echoes the prevalent features found across land and seascapes. These works awaken expansive inner sensibilities through a perceptual dialectic. In this exhibition, Sean Scully's curatorial selections of Moses' artwork from the past two years draw attention to both the artists' regard and recognition of the ongoing process of discovering the ‘sublime’.
The ‘Sublime’ encompasses the beauty and greatness of nature, which exists beyond human comprehension. During his youth, Moses became attuned to the currents and forces of the sea and wind through surfing. The artist has acquired a ‘mystical sense of a unified whole with which he's entwined’. Embarking on his journey in search of the sublime, Moses explores the push-pull relationship between creativity and spontaneity which are intrinsically embedded in the nature of his acrylic paints. The works featured in the show have a refined colour palette, one that focuses on gold and darker shades which add an element of sophistication and emphasise Moses’ controlled technique. The swirls and twirls on his canvases mesmerise with their unique patterns, while simultaneously merging and separating each colour visible to the viewer.
While he doesn’t feel he has discovered the sublime just yet, Moses intends to stay in search of it through his work as long as he lives. The challenge of having an almost unachievable goal is what motivates him to continue creating and what allows for him to go deeper, and thus, making his work more refined. Additionally, his creative quest as an artist has brought to light conceptual and aesthetic connections with other artists that share a similar aspiration for the Sublime. His relationship with fellow artist Sean Scully, who achieved acclaim through his work connecting features of Minimalism with Opt Art, is an example of this. Both Moses and Scully's work stimulates a meaningful process of grounded examination through years of experience with the compositional elements defining their artistic etymology.
Moses aims to awaken a sense of limitlessness in his viewers. Acting as a window to both his internal world and his way of mirroring the greatest beauty known to humanity, Mother Nature. With this, Moses and Scully worked together to create a collective experience which transcends through space and time. Their creative quest to exhibit the essence of the artistic process as such, transforms the space at JD Malat Gallery and shows the continued development of Moses’s practice and journey as an artist.
For more information, images, and comment, please contact: [email protected]