Castle Fine Art, Mayfair
24 Bruton Street
United Kingdom

Raphael Mazzucco - Biophilia
Raphael Mazzucco is irrefutably a lover of life. His passion for synchronicity between his subjects and settings, coupled with an epicurean aesthetic, has resulted in arguably some of the most relevant photography today, taking the world of fine art by storm. Mazzucco's new collection of work, entitled Biophilia acknowledges his zeal, and references his instinctive kinship with all living matter. This collection is based upon, relies on and draws from connections. The connection between life, our lives, and the life forces around us. The connections made when we step barefoot on earth, submerge our face in water or rest the length of our bodies against a towering tree; these connections transcend taxonomy and unite us through acknowledging our commonality of energy and vitality.
Mazzucco's mastery of staging allows the viewer to live and breathe the moments captured by his photography. Hinting at a canopy of trees, laden with air so heavy and so humid, allows his female subjects to exude not only their God-given beauty, but a sensual and languorous heat. His female subjects are your signposts, directing you between savannahs, prairies, deltas, grasslands and rainforests, demanding your attention and commanding that your focus falls not only on them, but on the waterfalls, woodlands and water lilies that share their spotlight.
An observer will see Mazzucco working within the framework of finessed photography, with the applied expression of painting, to influence the sensation of movement throughout this collection. Mazzucco does not ask us to choose between the appeal of nature versus socially imposed standards of attractiveness, rather he would like us to recognise that both have a part to play, and neither reach their true potential without the other. Drawing on the theory of holism, which presents the idea that natural systems should be viewed as a whole rather than individual elements, this body of work is an unadulterated celebration of splendour.
Biophilia can be seen at Castle Fine Art, Mayfair throughout April.