Furtherfield Gallery
McKenzie Pavilion, Finsbury Park
N4 2NQ
United Kingdom

10 September - 16 October 2016
Open 11am-5pm, Saturday-Sunday or by appointment
Private view: Friday 09 September 2016, 6-8pm (register)
Deep Water Web is a free exhibition at Furtherfield Gallery in London's Finsbury Park, connecting opposite sides of the Earth to understand human impacts on the environment and the wider consequences for people living in both locations.
Artists Steven Ball (London, UK) and John Conomos (Sydney, Australia) have collaborated to present a multi-projection installation where London and Sydney are continuously connected across time zones. The exhibition is an immersive experience which the artists have termed a 'hyperlandscape' including real time streaming waterscapes and multiple local manifestations of global ecologies with their own sonic environments and narrated reflections.
Deep Water Web is a poetic meditation around contemporary and historical geopolitical contexts, underscored by London and Sydney's situation around large bodies of tidal water in the forms of the River Thames and Sydney Harbour. These bodies of water bear material evidence of the local impact of global warming, such as rising tide levels caused by melting ice caps, leading to flooding, and increasingly extreme climate fluctuation. Both cities are also centres of neoliberal capitalism, inscribing the effects of privatisation, fiscal austerity and deregulation of markets across the planet.
More info: http://www.furtherfield.org/programmes/exhibition/deep-water-web