Doomed Gallery
65-67 Ridley Road
E8 2NP
United Kingdom

We currently inhabit an innovative technological era which strives for small and discreet technology, a complex nano world in which very few can meddle. We carry around fragile gadgets which contain our entire life, and become debilitated when they inevitably break and can only be fixed by manufacturers or individual businesses demanding a large fee. Glitch is an exhibition (for one night only on Saturday 14 Dec from 7pm) which celebrates analogue technology of the Twentieth Century, a golden era when most of us understood how things worked and could fix things ourselves. In this exhibition, artists have taught themselves the rules of how something works and then deliberately misused the technology to create artwork that is beautiful and unique. Exhibiting and performing Artist Adam Brown describes his work as: 'Noisy, glitchy and fun, …art which explores ideas of permanence, memory and technology, yelling 'to hell with progress!'†Adam Brown will be performing Concentricism, where images are inscribed to a vinyl record player and then played to a live audience. This project was inspired by the gold record containing images of Earth that was attached to the NASA Voyager in 1977. Daniela De Paulis uses the Dwingeloo Telescope in The Netherlands to bounce digital images off of the moon, which then corrupts the resulting image. Daniela is planning a live transmission for GLITCH using images of nuclear bombs as part of her Moon Relay project. Alex Gilmour corrupts .JPEG images by deleting code within notepad files. Dario Villanueva is experienced in Data Visualization and User Interaction, but enjoys making Art in his spare time. For Space Is Ace 3 at Doomed Gallery (, Dario created a Data Visualization of Orbital Debris using a data stream he found online and will be doing something similar for GLITCH. Sam Bartle is a musician who can't afford the synths and sequencers that he desires, so therefore makes them himself. Sam will be exhibiting a bespoke handmade sequencer, which visitors are then invited to meddle with. Sam also circuit bends VHS tapes to create unique effects on his music videos. Blue Tapes is a Brighton based record label which specializes in analogue recording formats such as vinyl and cassette. Blue Tapes are curating a book of analogue photographs from around the globe to complement their recording style. Blue Tapes will be presenting a series of prints from their book, will be selling their music and may invite a few of their musicians to perform. MelanieK is a graduate from MA Art and Science at Central Saint Martins, and is the curator of this exhibition. Melanie founded the London Alternative Photography Collective at Double Negative Darkrooms and is part of the Space Is Ace art collective which focuses specifically on cosmology. For GLITCH, Melanie will be exhibiting a series of photographs of her TV set, which she will then process using alternative photography printing processes. Melanie also enjoys using film destruction techniques to create abstract works. Melanie is inspired by the unreliability of vision and memory, and the biased nature of the photograph. Lizz Brady uses smartphone panaromic technology to create photographs which communicate the unravelling of her mental state.