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Home is the first major solo exhibition from 34 year old British artist Chris Moon, a self-taught painter working in a mix of mediums including oil, acrylic, gloss, charcoal and markedly, lipstick. His subject matter is still life, figurative and landscape.  Moon fuses his subjects together but more often than not they are re-worked, re-painted and reconstructed, enhancing his objective to 'imprison them in their surroundings.”

'Chris Moon is an artist of exceptional talent,” says Gillian Fox at The Hayward Gallery. "He combines the painterly abstraction and anger of Bacon and the obsession over form of Freud. His images transport you, creating a deceptively innocent narrative that hides a sea of complexities. His take on the past, along with his screwed up reading of the present and his contemporary take on the male gaze, make him one of the most exciting young painters emerging in today's art market.”                                                           

Home tackles a simple concept, examining the mundane, that which we are exposed to on a daily basis. The mundane is then distorted, be it by technique or just pure daydream. The work takes the ordinary subject then turns it extraordinary, exploring the relationship we have with our surroundings - a palette made up of the colours of the area, be it a bin or shop-sign.  'For me it comes down to realism and distortion,” says Moon.  'Realism has a start and a finish, whereas distortions can never be finished, just stopped.”