The Cob Gallery
205 Royal College Street
United Kingdom

The spirit world comes to life in this two-week-long celebration of esoteric art. The show's theme coincides with the time of year: the beginning of the dark months. Popular culture calls it Hallowe'en but contemporary Witches and Druids across Europe and North America call it Samhain, Heathens Winter Nights, Greek reconstructionist movements Thesmophoria; Vodou practitioners celebrate Fete Ghede, followers of Santeria and indigenous religions in Latin America observe DÃa de los Muertos, while Welsh folklore advises staying away from cemeteries on Calan Gaeaf.
In most magical and esoteric traditions the end of October is a sacred time of year, a time for honouring the dead and communicating with the spirit world. It is a time to acknowledge the winter months and delve into the darker part of the year and of the self. The boundaries between the familiar and what is Other shatter. The veil is thin. The magic begins. For I:MAGE 2014, artists will explore what it means to communicate with spirits through art. They will give us a glimpse of a unifying theme across different esoteric practices and offer us the perfect opportunity to introduce you to a truly international show.