Bonington Gallery
Dryden Street
United Kingdom

In what seems like an intensifying atmosphere of global, media-driven expressions of shock, horror, fear and anxiety - how can we use states of crisis as ways to re-think the future? Can we harness these acutely painful conditions as opportunities to recuperate alternative modes of creativity?
Curated by Something Human and presented in partnership with the Bonington Gallery, Nottingham Trent University and Nottingham Contemporary, KrÃsis presents an exhibition and events programme with international visual and performance artists, to engage you with multifaceted perspectives on the meaning of 'crisis', and its understanding within the current socio-political climate.
Crisis, with reference to its Greek etymology, is connoted as a power of distinguishing, a decision, a choice, a dispute. In the 17th century 'crisis' locates the pivotal meaning of 'decisive point', and in the contemporary, holds particular potency when thinking about longstanding societal issues that pertain to migration, borders and the humanitarian condition in the 21st century.
Through multidisciplinary artworks, live performance and conversations, the project focuses on crisis as a creative and curatorial opportunity in accordance to artist Charles Gaines' claim that 'criticality is a strategy for the production of knowledge'. KrÃsis explores how these critical conditions can be reclaimed and reconfigured to drive change through artistic practice.
Participating artists include:
Sama Alshaibi (Palestine-Iraq) | Nicola Anthony (UK) | John Clang (Singapore) | Dictaphone Group (Lebanon) | Maryam Monalisa Gharavi (US-Iran) | Núria Güell and Levi Orta (Spain-Lebanon) | Lynn Lu (Singapore) | Marija Milosevska (Macedonia) | Rachel Parry (UK) | Post-Museum (Singapore) | Raju Rage (UK) | Aida Silvestri (UK) | Srey Bandaul (Cambodia) | Tuan Mami (Vietnam) | Boedi Widjaja (Singapore)
The full programme includes an exhibition; Cross-Cultural Live Art Project (CCLAP) performances, symposium and film screenings. Full programme to be available soon.
KrÃsis is curated by Something Human and presented in partnership with the Bonington Gallery, Nottingham Trent University and Nottingham Contemporary.
KrÃsis is the culmination of the three-year travelling exhibition project MOVE W I T H (OUT), curated by Something Human, which connected artists with site-specific performances and dialogues in Berlin, London, Rome, Venice, Belgrade, Singapore, Budapest, Skopje and Lisbon.
MOVE W I T H (OUT) trunk and screening programme artists: Zsuzsa Bakonyi (Hungary) | Tanja Balac (Macedonia) | Sarah Choo Jing (Singapore) | Mauro De Giorgi (Italy) | Adolfina De Stefani (Italy) | Nina Feldman (South Africa) | Valerie Grove (UK) | Howard Hardiman (UK) | The Huddle (UK) | Gloria Houng (US) | Andrea Inocencio (Portugal) | The Light Surgeons (UK) | Jakrawal Nilthamrong (Thailand) | Bill Psarras (Greece) | Ana Rodic (Serbia) | Carlo Michele Schirinzi (Italy) | Shakinart (Italy) | Samin Son (Korea - New Zealand) | Malvina Tan (Singapore) | Ines Von Bonhurst (Portugal) | Jason Wee (Singapore)
In partnership with Nottingham Trent University, Bonington Gallery and Nottingham Contemporary