Naseem Darbey: We Are Saved by Loss

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The universal human concepts of life, loss, and hope are explored in Naseem Darbey‘s exhibition, We Are Saved By Loss.

Darbey engages with challenging topics through references to science, art and philosophy, and highlights the profound connection between the cosmos and the human body and the body’s ability to undergo constant change. The exhibition offers the viewer the opportunity to consider what it means to be human in the wider context of the universe through Darbey’s signature “hollow drawings,” that combine traditional textile techniques with lighting technology to interpret physical morphology and pathology. Although the exhibition explores serious, sometimes sombre themes, it also ponders and expands on the wonder of life and what is gained and created through loss.

Naseem Darbey: We Are Saved By Loss features the artist’s trademark 3D textile hollow drawing sculptural ‘specimens’ created by ‘drawing’ freehand on a sewing machine. Darbey focuses on the universal truth of pathological change and morphology in the human body. The concepts she explores provoke a conversation around disease and renewal as inescapable functions of the human form. These concepts in turn inspire audiences to think about biological processes and how each human is part of and in scale with the cosmic universe.