The Baldwin Gallery
35 Eltham Road
SE12 8EX
United Kingdom

The Sublunary World explores the organic and psychic transference between selves and species, bringing together the sculptures of Royal Academician Tim Shaw with photography by Canadian David Ellingsen, and Plains Cree Canadian Meryl McMaster.
The exhibition re-imagines 'the mundane' as complicit with the sacred. It reclaims earthly reality as a transformative encounter beneath the moon. In this light (call it moonlight) Shaw, Ellingsen and McMaster produce works reflecting a primal realism that includes interspecies transference and a symbiosis between human and habitat. At once contemporary, edgy and ancient, here is the body in the 21st century. The work alludes to biogenetic grafting and degraded environments, to pluralism and liminal histories, to dream, desire and ritual.