Universal Motherhood: A Journey Through the Lottery of Birth.

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Jennifer by Carlota Guerrero
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An exhibition by the Save the Children and GSK Partnership, created by Anagram.

Opening on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day, Universal Motherhood is a unique series of powerful, intimate photographs showcasing the universal experience of motherhood. The exhibition features work by world-renowned female photographers - Sian Davey, Bieke Depoorter, Diana Markosian, Carlota Guerrero and Dana Popa - and a light installation by artist Aphra Shemza.

The five photographers documented live births from around the globe to create a striking visual collection which captures the raw emotion and intimacy of the first days of motherhood.

Light installation, ‘Seconds Pass’, reflects the fragility of young life, as the rhythmic pulsing of the lights is determined by data on birth and death rates of under-fives around the globe. Four children are born every second. One child dies every six seconds .

The exhibition will be open until 7pm on 13, 14, 19, 20 December (closed 23 Dec - 1 Jan).
