Pi Artworks London
55 Eastcastle Street
United Kingdom
The World Made New
Sovay Berriman, Ilana Halperin, Iz Öztat, Lindsay Seers, and Michelle Williams Gamaker
7 April - 20 May 2017
Curated by Oliver Sumner
The World Made New explores five artists' reconceptions of history and landscape. Often departing from superficial reality, the diverse narrative practices of Sovay Berriman, Ilana Halperin, Iz Öztat, Lindsay Seers, and Michelle Williams Gamaker suggest another kind of truth. Self-referential approaches blend autobiographical details with personal mythologies of birth, transfiguration and constructed identity. Islands, markers and symbols are recurring motifs. Ritual and performativity emerge as points of connection. The viewer is taken on a journey through the natural environment and human society fraught with disorienting coincidences, displacement, rupture, and imaginative leaps.