Chelsea College of Arts
16 John Islip Street
United Kingdom

Established in 2005, Chelsea Space is a public exhibiting space where invited art and design professionals are encouraged to work on experimental curatorial projects that may not otherwise be realised.
The programme is international and interdisciplinary covering art, design and popular culture. The emphasis is on curatorial experimentation, the exposure of process and ideas, and re-readings of artworks, collections and archives and their re-presentation for contemporary audiences. Chelsea Space is a platform for discussion and questions rather than definitive answers.
Chelsea Space's most dominant architectural feature is its large plate glass window. For this reason the exhibiting space will never be a white cube but instead operates as a vitrine or an animated screen. The ethos at Chelsea Space is welcoming - a meeting place where informal social networks can develop.
Chelsea Space is sited on the Millbank campus of Chelsea College of Arts, next to Tate Britain, and provides open access to the widest possible audiences.