269 Portobello Rd
W11 1LR
United Kingdom

The Muse gallery
The Muse gallery was established by artists, to support emerging contemporaries by combining creative and commercial concepts under one roof.
Subject to a successful application, we also offer exhibition space to more established artists at a nominal commission. With limited slots per year, we look to our panel of affiliated artists and esteemed professionals to elect shows and offer comprehensive appraisals to those proposals still in need of refinement.
Throughout the year, we also open our doors to community arts projects, musicians, film makers and live performers to fill the calendar with events from 'Sound art' to 'Cult film' evenings and associated seminars.
Our residency program (only BA and MA graduates need apply) continues to offer a subsidised platform for candidates, with a group and solo show during their time with us.
We work towards both public and private sector funding for our residents and visiting artists, with professional development working along side our team during visiting shows hosted throughout the year.
(AIR commissions are discretionary)
Since established in 2003, we have continued to offer graduates and visiting artists improved conditions for arts practice and the exhibition of work and will endeavour to continue with 'artists for artists' at the heart of our organisation.
So for now, we hope you enjoy the extraordinary cast hosted on this site and visit us down the 'Bella' in the near future to see it all in super 3D HD.
Nothing beats a 'face to face' after all.
(Thursday - Sunday / 12:00 - 18:00)