33 Parkgate Road
SW11 4NP
United Kingdom

GAFA - A Family Called Samoa
'GAFA - A Family Called Samoa' is layered art experience consisting of visual arts, film, performance, dance and song.
Traveling back and forth in time, the event begins its journey when Samoan chief I'iga Pisa makes a daring escape by canoe after being incarcerated by the German administration in the early 1900s. His epic odyssey home to Samoa becomes the starting place for an artistic journey that explores the post-colonial experience of migration, identity, connection and emancipation.
Walking forward into the past, the event touches history, legend and the contemporary experience of cultural displacement, diaspora, identity and evolving memories of 'homeland'.
In addition to a ground-breaking, multi-disciplinary live performance, 'GAFA - A Family Called Samoa' will consist one of the first presentations of contemporary Pacific Art in London. Artists will activate the performance space, exploring personal experience, concepts of 'home', belonging and aspects of borrowed culture to highlight the contemporary 'Pacific' experience. The exhibition will include works by established and emerging artists, among them the premier presentation of work by New Zealand-based artist Siliga David Setoga in the United Kingdom and Rosanna Raymond, a well-known London-based artist of Samoan, Maori and European decent.
Testbed1, 33 Parkgate Road, SW11 4NP, London
October 29, 30 and November 1 - 7.00 PM
Tickets £12 / £10 available from www.gafasamoa.com or at the door.
Children 14 and under Free.
GAFA - A Family Called Samoa is part of the London Origins Festival.