Twombly and Poussin: Arcadian Painters

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£ 9.00
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A unique exploration of contemporary artist Cy Twombly and 17th century classical painter Nicolas Poussin.

This exhibition will look at these two figures side by side for the first time. Separated by three centuries the two artists nonetheless share remarkable similarities. The connections are highlighted through the key themes of Arcadia and the pastoral, Venus and Eros, anxiety and theatricality and mythological figures that are central to both artists' work.

The exhibition will be accompanied by the British premiere of Tacita Dean's new 16mm film portrait of Cy Twombly, Edwin Parker (2011).

As part of the exhibition, the Gallery is also extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to display Poussin's Seven Sacraments painted between 1637 and 1642 for his Roman friend and patron Cassiano dal Pozzo. As a set, Poussin's Sacraments represent a high point in Western European art.